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2024-12-13 19:40:59

Automobile, household and electronic products: With the continuous promotion of the "trade-in" policy, the consumption potential in these areas has been further released. For example, such measures as changing cars for "energy", changing home appliances for "intelligence" and "rejuvenation" of home improvement kitchen and bathroom not only promoted the upgrading of related products, but also stimulated consumers' desire to buy.Policy Orientation and Consumption PotentialPay attention to enterprise fundamentals: When choosing investment targets, investors should pay attention to fundamental factors such as profitability, growth and market competitiveness of enterprises to ensure the safety and profitability of investment.

Automobile, household and electronic products: With the continuous promotion of the "trade-in" policy, the consumption potential in these areas has been further released. For example, such measures as changing cars for "energy", changing home appliances for "intelligence" and "rejuvenation" of home improvement kitchen and bathroom not only promoted the upgrading of related products, but also stimulated consumers' desire to buy.Policy Orientation and Consumption PotentialPay attention to enterprise fundamentals: When choosing investment targets, investors should pay attention to fundamental factors such as profitability, growth and market competitiveness of enterprises to ensure the safety and profitability of investment.

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